Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease in which the motor neurons deteriorate, leading to muscle weakness and paralysis. Sarah Coglianese, an alumna of our school (OPRF) was diagnosed with ALS in June 2012. Since her diagnosis, she has shared her story and worked to raise awareness and money for ALS TDI (the ALS Therapy Development Institute).
Since 2008, the Small Business Management classes at OPRF have allowed students to finish the semester with a project in which students design, print, and sell shirts in order to benefit a charitable organization. This is the result of our hard work: every person who makes a donation is entered into a raffle in order to win one of twenty four shirts we have designed. The twenty fifth shirt will automatically go to the largest donor.
All of the money raised goes towards Sarah's #whatwouldyougive campaign to raise awareness and funds for ALS research.


#whatwouldyougive to end ALS?
Please feel free to contact our team with any questions you may have!

Please follow this link to Sarah Coglianese's website for more information about her story and her mission.

Donation Thresholds:
$1-4 - 1 ticket
$5-24 - 2 tickets
$25-74 -3 tickets
$75-149 - 4 tickets
$150-299 - 5 tickets
$300-599 - 6 tickets
$600+ - 7 tickets